This article tackles the issues concerning what it means to examine legislation – in this case,
criminal law – with gender perspective, and why this perspective is required in addressing
certain criminal problems that mostly affect women. The particular study of sex crimes
involving chemical submission and chemical vulnerability serves to illustrate both issues. To
this end, we analyze the legislation’s current wording and also what the most recent proposals
for the reform of sex offences state with regard to how these criminal cases, specifically,
should be reformed. We discuss the problems that have been raised, considering the means
of commission used to perpetrate them and the factors that contribute to them, linked to the
use and/or abuse of psychoactive substances and to gender
Pilar Tarancón Gómez - Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha
Criminal Law; Gender Perspective; Sexual Violence; Chemical Submission; Chemical Vulnerability.