If you have decided to make a donation to AESED, we inform you that you can deduct these donations from your income tax return. The types of deductions applicable to donations made in favor of AESED have been increased, as an entity under the special tax regime of Law 49/2002, of December 23:


First 150€




Multi-year donations (to the same entity for at least 3 years) > 150€ *


Taxable base deduction limit


General donations

Multi-year donations (to the same entity for at least 3 years)* 40%
Taxable base deduction limit 10%
*For an equal or higher amount, in each of them, to the previous year.  


  • If you are a natural person, in the IRPF you can deduct 75% of the amount of your donations in full for contributions of up to € 150 annually. From that amount the deduction will be 30% or 35% if you have been working with us for at least 3 years in a row, with a limit of 10% of the base amount.

  • If you are a legal entity, you can deduct 35% of your full donations from corporation tax. If you have been collaborating with us for at least 3 years in a row, the deduction will be 40%, with a limit of 10% of the base payable.

  • If you are a natural or legal person not resident in Spain and obtain income in our country, You also have a tax benefit for the amount of your donations. You can consult it at www.aeat.es

  • If you live in a region that is subject to a particular statutory regime or that has established additional deductions for donations to ONG, the applicable deductions may be different.

Remember that in order for us to inform the Tax Agency of the amount of your donations it is essential that you have provided us with your DNI or NIF and address.

Please, if you have not already done so, write to us admin@aesed.com.
Or call us at (+34) 963 406 550. If you want to expand the information on these tax benefits, please check the Tax Agency website: www.aeat.es
