Objective. To identify factors associated with the risk of abuse of alcohol consumption in first
year medical students at the Basque Country University.
Materials and method. An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was
carried out in a sample of 225 students (77.8% women) using a self-administered anonymous
questionnaire. A bivariate analysis was carried out and logistic regression models were
constructed with three dependent variables: drunkenness, binge drinking (BD) and risk of
consumption (RC) of alcohol in the last month.
Results. 46.0% of the students had got drunk in the last month, 48.3% were risk drinkers and
67.2% had been binge drinking. In the final model the protective factors were: start drinking
alcohol at 16 years or later (drunkenness OR=0.409, BD OR=0.307, RC OR=0.233) and
live with the parents or other relatives for drunkenness in the last month (OR = 0.336).
The following are risk factors: that the best friend has got drunk in the previous month
(drunkenness OR=6.245, BD OR=4.438, CR OR=4.616); being male for drunkenness (OR =
2,884) and CIA (OR=3,588) and being woman for the CR (OR = 4,047); high expectations for
the CIA (OR = 2,660) and the CR (OR = 4,572) and that all or most of the friends and peers
have got drunk (OR=2.367) or that the best friend has consumed alcohol in the last month
(OR=10.287) for drunkenness in the previous month.
Conclusions. CR and CIA in the last month are frequent. The positive expectations associated
with alcohol are moderately high and are fundamentally related with the emotional state. Delaying
the age of onset is the main protective factor, while recent drunkenness of the best friend and the
high positive expectations associated with alcohol are the main and most consistent risk factors.
Daniel Martínez Cóndor - Servicio de Neurología del Hospital de Basurto
Fernando Martínez González - Comisionado Regional para la Droga. Gerencia de Servicios Sociales de la Junta de Castilla y León
Alexander Velázquez Miranda - Unidad de Estadística. Consejería de Familia e Igualdad de Oportunidades de la Junta de Castilla y León
Alcohol abuse, medical students, risk factors, protective factors, gender.