Type, competences and functions of the scientific assessment board

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  1. The Scientific Assessment Board of the Revista Española de Drogodependencias is an advisory body for observation and consultation external to the publishers, AESED, and made up of researchers of known prestige in different areas and specialities in the field of addictions, education, mental health or others.
  2. The main function of the Scientific Advisory Body consists in analysing the development of the journal, appraising its interest and scientific quality, as well as putting forward measures to improve this.
  3. The professionals on the Scientific Assessment Board of the Revista Española de Drogodependencias take on this work on an individual basis and altruistically. They are designated for two-year periods and can leave at their own request when they wish.
  4. The composition of the Assessment Board will be governed by the following criteria: a) incorporating researchers who are expert in their respective fields of knowledge in the national and international setting; b) seeking to avoid being joined by researchers who are potential authors and external assessors of the Revista Española de Drogodependencias as a guarantee of scientific exogamy and objectiveness; and c) bringing together researchers from different Spanish and international universities and research centres.
  5. So as to be able to remain in a favourable position for the greatest possible objectiveness of their function as external observers, the members of the Scientific Assessment Board of the Revista Española de Drogodependencias shall not carry out the role of external assessors, except in cases in which their knowledge in a particular subject makes their opinions essential.
  6. As a consultative body, the members of the Assessment Board may be required by the Editorial Board to give advice on any aspect of the journal and asked to put forward outside evaluators.
  7. The members of the Assessment Board will not previously be consulted by the Editorial Board on the contents of each issue of the journal. They can therefore not be held responsible for these contents, nor for the formal aspects of the journal.
  8. As observers, the members of the Assessment Board may at their own initiative, make suggestions and proposals at any time as well as any criticism that they may deem fit to improve the quality of the Revista Española de Drogodependencias.
  9. The members of the Scientific Assessment Board may be consulted by the Editorial Board through any measures they may consider useful and feasible (assessment by means of questionnaires, meetings, etc.) to guarantee the assessment role of this body.
  10. The members of the Scientific Assessment Board will advise the Editorial Board and where applicable the Editor of the journal about defining the scientific quality parameters of the journal.
  11. As members of the Assessment Board their task will be to ask prominent members of the academic and scientific community to publish their works in the Revista Española de Drogodependencias. They will also promote the dissemination of the journal in the national and international media involving their professional environment.
  12. Each member of the Assessment Board may put forward other experts as reviewers of the manuscripts submitted.
  13. The number of members of the Assessment Board of the Revista Española de Drogodependencias is not fixed and any persons considered necessary may join after consulting the editing concern, in order to enhance this body's functions for monitoring the scientific quality of the journal.
  14. Every two years the Management Committee will appraise the work done by each of the members of the Assessment Board.
  15. The proposal of new members of the Scientific Assessment Board will be made at the suggestion of the members forming the Management Committee after weighing up the curriculum of the new member and with the approval of Aesed's Board of Directors.
