The problem of addictions in teenagers today involves certain features that are worsening.\r\nThe prevalence of intensive patterns of drinking and problematic cannabis use has\r\nincreased. At the same time, the perceived risk of such drugs is low. Effective preventive\r\nmeasures to reduce risk factors of the consumption problem detected and enhance protective\r\nfactors are thus required. In this regard, research shows the importance of the family,\r\nnot only as a protective agent, but also as a modulator of risk behavior of children, so this\r\nshould be the basis on which the design of programs for prevention of addictions rests.\r\nIn this context, family prevention program Learn to Communicate, is being presented as a\r\nmunicipal level family prevention program that seeks to promote functional communication\r\nbetween parents and children as a vehicle to improve the emotional bond between\r\nthem and the importance of evaluating the results of the intervention program presented\r\nand the implementation process.
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Ángel Vallés - UPCCA de la Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta
Esther Pedrosa - Psicóloga
Francisco Verdú - Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública - Generalitat Valenciana
Fortunato Tàpia - UPCCA de la Mancomunitat de la Ribera Alta
Program, family, addictions, local prevention, adherence, communication, evaluation.