Preventing and reducing risks of nightlife: the role of local corporations

Problems with alcohol and illegal drugs are involved in nightlife. In recent decades, this\r\nkind of entertainment has undergone great growth. Tourism has had a lot to do with the\r\nexpansion of this model. Problems related to excessive alcohol use are however also found\r\nin the events promoted by municipalities themselves.\r\nMunicipalities are placed in a difficult position: they need to promote nightlife (which is a\r\nsource of wealth and well-being) while trying to minimize the problems associated with\r\nthe practice of this kind of entertainment. This article tackles the impact of recreational\r\nnightlife on municipalities.\r\nLocal governments can play a major role in structural prevention (regulation of opening\r\nhours, banning of certain places and/or certain times for alcohol trade, increasing and\r\nreorganising police surveillance, ensuring strict compliance of the law, securing perimeters\r\nto reduce social nuisances…); also in behavioural prevention (including school programmes\r\nfor students and their families, awareness-raising activities with street educators and social\r\nworkers…) that can be undertaken by professionals and technical staff of the different\r\nmunicipal areas that they cover. The role that municipalities can and should play, along with\r\nsome good practices implemented by local governments, are reviewed and discussed. The\r\nneed to establish platforms or coalitions to facilitate the implementation and sustainability\r\nof the measures is also emphasized.

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  • Mariangels Duch - Instituto Europeo de Estudios en Prevención (Irefrea)

  • Amador Calafat - Instituto Europeo de Estudios en Prevención (Irefrea)

  • Montse Juan - Instituto Europeo de Estudios en Prevención (Irefrea)


community prevention, Balearic Islands, recreational nightlife, municipalities, coalitions.
