In recent decades in Spain there has been a movement of civil society demanding the regulation\r\nof consumption, cultivation and distribution of cannabis. At the same time, regulation\r\nof the therapeutic use of cannabis and derived products has been repeatedly demanded\r\nby patients, patient associations and different professionals, which in our country lacks\r\nspecific regulation. The present study has as a general purpose to offer the proposals that\r\nin Spanish legislation exist on the therapeutic use of cannabis and derived products. The\r\nmeager legislation that applies to such use derives from the 1961 Single Convention on\r\nNarcotic Drugs and its protocol; This legislation allows THC to be dispensed in pharmacies\r\nwith a medical prescription and that can be the subject of medical or scientific research,\r\nwith the required authorization. It seems that in our country is allowed the therapeutic\r\nuse of cannabis, although subject to very strict requirements. However, this legislation is\r\ninsufficient to regulate all aspects that can be derived from the therapeutic use of cannabis,\r\nsince it has been emphasized that there are important limitations in the use that is made\r\nof it and in terms of access, Which determines that there are legal loopholes that require\r\nmore concrete regulation. This has motivated the presentation, both in the autonomous\r\nand in the state, of various proposals for the creation of commissions and committees\r\nthat study in depth such use, and regulation of the therapeutic use of cannabis, which\r\nhave not yet materialized in legislation concrete.
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Josefina Alventosa del Río - Departamento de Derecho civil Universidad de Valencia
therapeutic cannabis, legislation, therapeutic use, regulation, medicinal applications, endocannabinoid system.