During the critical situation generated by the new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, in the scientifictechnological
service of Specialized Consultancy in Addictions of the University of Medical
Sciences of Havana it was necessary to implement a change in the therapeutic modality in an
unexpected way. To carry out preventive and assistance actions, aimed at members of the
university community with drug abuse or other addictive behaviors, the resources of telepsychology
were introduced. This has led to the majority of the patients who have been cared
for having evolved positively; They will be able to develop skills for adequate psychological
coping with adverse situations; and avoid demoralizing setbacks and relapses. Initial evidence,
generated in healthcare practice, showed that 78.3% of the participants developed personal
strengths that have helped them empower themselves to maintain abstinence or controlled
consumption during preventive quarantine. However, difficulties were revealed to face specific
events and situations that exceed their personal resources; exacerbation of myths related to
drugs and addictive activities in general; and lack of emotional control associated with irrational
tendencies. The results obtained have been essential to promote the rehabilitation of these
people from a corrective and preventive perspective.
Justo Reinaldo Fabelo-Roche - Departamento de Investigaciones en Adicciones. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Cuba.
Psychological coping; personal strengths; irrational tendencies; emotional control; addictions; COVID-19.