The Revista Española de Drogodependencias sets out to ensure scientific dissemination of research works connected with alcoholism and other drug addictions, including non-toxic dependencies.

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Each work must be identified with one of the following scientific articles:

Review. A written work for reviewing several primary articles already published. These reviews may simply be annotated bibliographies in the field of drug addictions, or critical and interpretative studies on works published in this field. They must be no longer than 6000 words for the main text, excluding abstract, tables and references. Review manuscripts must have the following parts in this order: 1. Introduction; 2. Methods; 3. Results; 4. Discussion and 5. References.

Original. A scientific work describing original results in the field of drug addictions, in such a way that the information enables other colleagues to assess the observations, repeat the experiments and assess whether the data justifies the author's conclusions. Logic, clarity and accuracy in their presentation are required. The maximum recommendable length should be 5000 words (excluding abstract, tables and references) containing the following sections: 1. Introduction; 2. Methods; 3. Results; 4. Discussion and 5. References.

Short paper. A brief written work with final or preliminary results on research works on drug addictions, not giving details on the experiments or doing so very briefly, and with the very briefest bibliographical citations. The maximum length should be 3500 words (excluding abstract, tables and references), with up to 10 bibliographic citations and 3 illustrations.

Legal section. Scientific work in the legal area describing original research results in the field of drug addictions. Logic, clarity and accuracy in the presentation are required. The maximum recommendable length should be 5000 words, excluding abstract, tables and references.

The RED also publishes invited editorials, clinical cases, opinion articles and book reviews.


Except for express exceptions allowed by the editors, the works should never be over 6000 words. Publication priority will be granted to hitherto unpublished works which have not been submitted for consideration by any other graphic media, the author having to declare this when sending in the work. Authors must not submit articles that have been published elsewhere or are under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Each table, graphic item or photograph will have to be presented on a separate sheet, in black ink, correlatively numbered, in a sharp and clear format, stating its location in the text. The maximum sizes will be 9 x 12 cm. for photographs and 13 x 19 cm. for any other illustrations.

Authors who are interested in contributing one of the invited types of article may make a proposal to the editorial secretary (via

Each work must be sent by email to a on a computer support. The text will be PC-processed in Microsoft Word format.

The first page will have to include the work's title, in both Spanish and English, list of authors, affiliations and the full address of the author or authors (work centre, telephone number and electronic mail).

The second sheet should contain the abstract in Spanish and English, from 150 to 250 words long. This should be understandable without having to read the full work and should be accompanied by 3 to 6 keywords for indexes, also in both languages mentioned. The text of the article should start on the third page.

Any references should be given in the author and year system. When a work with a single author is cited in the manuscript, the surname and year of publication separated by a comma should be given, e.g. (Bogani, 1975). If a work with two authors is cited, both authors should be named each time the reference appears in the text, e.g. (Aguilar and Olivar, 2008). If the work has under six authors, these must all be named the first time and the following times only the name of the first author, followed by "et al." and the year, should be used, e.g. (García-Rodríguez, Suárez and Ciller, 2009) and (García-Rodríguez et al., 2009).

If the work has over six authors, only the first author's surname is used, followed by "et al." and the year. For example: (Zarza et al., 2008). At the end of the article the citations should be presented in alphabetical order, strictly observing the following norms:

Books: author's surnames, comma, initial for the forename, full stop, year published in brackets, full stop, full title of the work in italics, full stop, city in which this is published, colon, publishers and full stop.

E.g.: Bogani, E. (1975). El alcoholismo, enfermedad social. Barcelona: Plaza & Janes.

If there is more than one author all of these must be stated, separated by a semi-colon (;) except for the last one, which shall be preceded by the conjunction 'and'.

E.g.: Megías Valenzuela, E.; Comas, D.; Elzo, J.; Megías, I.; Navarro, J.; Rodríguez, E. and Romaní, O. (2001). Valores sociales y drogas. Madrid: Fundación de Ayuda a la Drogadicción (FAD).

Articles from journals: author's surnames, comma, initial for the forename, full stop, year published in brackets, full stop, title of the article, full stop, full title of the journal in italics, volume in italics, comma, number in brackets, comma, first page, hyphen, last page, full stop.

E.g.: Moncada Bueno, S. (2009). La prevención en tiempos de crisis. Revista Española de Drogodependencias, 34, (4), 372-375.

Other documents: When these are papers and presentations given at congresses, seminars, symposia, conferences, chapters of books etc. the following items should be specified: author's surnames, comma, initial for the forename, full stop, year published in brackets, full stop, title of the book chapter, paper or presentation, full stop, preposition "in" followed by the editor's name (forename initial and surname). Use the term "Ed." after the editor's name, comma, name of the congress, symposium or title of the book in italics, pages in which this appears in brackets (pp., full stop, first page, hyphen, last page), full stop, where published, colon (:) publishers, full stop. 


The Editors will acknowledge receipt of any works sent in and inform the author responsible about their acceptance in at most three months from the date of reception, reserving the right to reject any originals not considered appropriate and to propose any alterations to these when it considers this fit. The Editors are not liable for any rejected material after making their decision known to the authors.

Any ideas and opinions expressed in the works published are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not commit the ideas, opinions and policy of the journal management. Apart from this, current legislation referring to intellectual property rights and reproduction of the articles will be abided by.
