The new information and communication technologies (Tics) are applied today in different\r\nareas, including the pharmaceutical field. Access over the Internet to medicines and\r\nsanitary products is a reality. The patient who needs the medicine for his/her treatment\r\nor improving his/her health, is considered as far as legislation is concerned as a consumer,\r\nconsumes a product and therefore entails the application of a multiple regulation that is\r\nrelated to his/her protection. Nevertheless, from another perspective the medicinal product\r\ncan be seen as a drug for certain pathologies and the generation of an addiction, in the\r\ncases of incorrect consumption or in combination with other, forbidden substances. The\r\nintention of the present paper is to analyze what guarantee instruments are established\r\nby the regulation for the patient-consumer after the recent approval of Royal Legislative\r\nDecree 1/2015, of 24 July enacting the consolidated restated text of the Spanish Act on\r\nguarantees and rational use of medicines and healthcare products, as well as the measures\r\nto avoid addiction and the protection that is granted by legislation to prevent the\r\naforementioned improper consumption.
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Francisca Ramón Fernández - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y del Medio Natural (ETSIAMN) Universitat Politècnica de València
Medicinal product; guarantees; consumers; law; public health; addiction derived from consumption of medicinal products; illicit traffic of medicinal product.