Tobacco violence: the role of audiovisual media, influencers and think tanks

An analysis is presented on the possible reasons that have caused an increase in the prevalence
and incidence rates in tobacco consumption in Spain in recent years and that inevitably leads
to an increase in passive infant smoking. We analyze in detail three novel strategies that the
tobacco industry is currently using: influencers, the product placement of films and TV series
and the emergence of think tanks. We propose measures to be implemented to reduce this
“in-culture” of smoking, the main cause of avoidable death in Spain.

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  • Manuel Isorna Folgar - Universidad de Vigo-Grupo PS1. Ayuntamiento de Catoira. Grupo EVICT

  • Eugenio de la Cruz Amorós - Pediatra Centro de salud San Blas de Alicante. Comité de Salud Medioambiental de la AEP. Grupo EVICT

  • Víctor J. Villanueva Blasco - Universidad Internacional de Valencia. Grupo EVICT


Smoking, passive infant smoking, influencers, think tanks, undercover marketing.
