The most widespread group of self-help for alcoholics in the world is Alcoholics Anonymous
(AA). For this reason, it was decided to study the motives of alcoholics to continue attending the
meetings of this community. Thus, a qualitative exploratory study was conducted with four people
with more than ten years of abstinence who are part of an AA group in Catalonia, by recording,
transcribing and analyzing a semi-structured interview. The results indicate that all participants
agreed that the reasons to continue attending community meetings are: fear of relapse, to help,
to continue growing and because of the relationship with the group.
Alberto Ferrer Fernández-Yáñez - Universitat Ramon Llull (FPCEE Blanquerna)
Xavier Carbonell - Universitat Ramon Llull (FPCEE Blanquerna)
Cristina Günther - Universitat Ramon Llull (FPCEE Blanquerna)
Alcoholics Anonymous, self-help groups, alcohol use disorder, thematic analysis.