Cognitive deficit is one of the main prognostic predictors in schizophrenia, mainly the deficit in
verbal memory. The causal relationship between substances use, substance use disorders and
psychotic syndrome is probably multidirectional and still is under the possible effect of confusion
factors. The Addictiveness in the Psychotic Syndrome Assessment Scale (APSAS) evaluates in a
global mode the dimension of adictivity taking in account all these factors: beginning, frequency,
length, and intensity. The objective of the study is to know if the dimension of adictivity is
associated to memory disorders. A group of psychotic subjects with memory deficits (n =
47) and a control group of psychotic subjects without memory deficits (n = 58) are compared
obtaining a major adictivity in the first group. According to our results, the score of APSAS >
55 indicates possible memory deficits. This measuring can provide relevant information on the
actual state, evolution and prognose of patients with comorbidity of psychosis and addiction.
Sonia López Lorenzo - 1 Department of personality, evaluation and psychological treatment PETRA. Faculty of Psychology. University of Burgos. Burgos, Spain. 2 Research Group in Clinical Neuroscience of Castilla y León (GINCYL).
Natalia Jimeno Bulnes - 2 Research Group in Clinical Neuroscience of Castilla y León (GINCYL). 3 Area of Psychiatry. School of Medicine. University of Valladolid. Valladolid, Spain.
Martín L. Vargas Aragón - 2 Research Group in Clinical Neuroscience of Castilla y León (GINCYL). 3 Area of Psychiatry. School of Medicine. University of Valladolid. Valladolid, Spain. 4 Service of Psychiatry. Rio Hortega University Hospital. Valladolid, Spain.
Palabras clave:
Adiction; schizophrenia; comorbidity; cognition; verbal memory; substance use; psychosis.