Introduction: This article sets out Massimo Recalcati’s Lacanian psychoanalytic discourse as
exemplified in the first two seasons and in the special episodes of the series Euphoria (Levinson
et al., 2019-present). Methods: In this article Euphoria series is analyzed. his teen drama television
series portrays a new clinic typical of the new generations, which Recalcati refers to as the
clinic of the void and which he distinguishes from the classical clinic of the lack engendered
by neurosis. Results and discussion: Within the new narcissistic symptoms, Rue, the series’
protagonist, allows us to confirm Recalcati’s description of the discomfort of culture and of
the metapsychology of our time, which he defines by means of the “Telemachus complex”,
rather than the more pessimistic diagnosis of narcissism. Moreover, at certain moments in
the series, we can also identify scenes and even episodes of special resonance that show that
“testimony” –to use Recalcati’s expression– is what is required both in psychotherapy and in
education to give the subject a new moral axis.
Jorge Martínez Lucena - Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
Palabras clave:
Clinic of emptiness; testimony; capitalist discourse; evaporation of the father.